Sara serves with CMF’s team among an unreached, nearly 100 percent Muslim people group in West Africa.
She is a graduate of Indiana University, Bloomington, with BS in kinesiology. Previously, she taught junior high physical education and health for six years.
Sara traveled to West Africa with a group from her church in 2016, and God began to open her eyes and heart to how her skills and passions aligned with the work being done by the team. She is excited to bring her skills and passion for teaching, health and young people to help the team with its holistic approach to ministry and investing in entire families. She will come alongside the children's health club program that the team has already developed with great success, and hopes to explore how the team can continue to connect with teens when they graduate from the program. She also plans to assist with nutrition trainings to build relationships with the local women.
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The Hausers serve an unreached people group in West Africa.
Ken and Anita serve an unreached people group in West Africa.